A1 –Unknown Artist Orchestra Concerto For Two Mandolins
A2 –Justin Pearson Cello Interior And Exterior Rondo
A3 –Justin Pearson Cello Interior And Exterior Rondo
A4 –Chasing The Dragon Ensemble Brass Ensemble Rondo Mouret
A5 –Bruce Davidson (3) Piano Improvisation
A6 –Unknown Artist Jazz Group Caravan Finale
A7 –Ljubljana International Orchestra Orchesra Force Of Destiny Finale
B1 –Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra Orchestra Pirates Of The Caribbean
B2 –Daisy Brown Soprano Durch Zartlicheir And Schmeicheln
B3 –David Graham (16) Saxophone Imrpovisation
B4 –Interpreti Veneziani Orchestra* Chamber Orchestra Tarantella
B5 –Valeria Kurbatova Har Spanish Dance 1
B6 –YMSO* And Konstantinos Destounis Piano Piano Concerto No2 Finale
Recording engineer Mike Valentine produced and recorded an old-fashioned audiophile demo disc using 50 year old Neumann tube microphones and a high resolution Nagra digital recorder all connected together with ZenSati cables from Denmark. One track was recorded using a 1/2" Studer analog deck running at 30 IPS.
The Globe trotting Valentine recorded in Venice, Italy, Izmir, Turkey, London, England and elsewhere in venues that varied from outdoors in a graveyard, to concert halls and other disparate sized spaces.
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